At Dana L. Wiley, MD PA we strive to provide the highest level of mental health and psychological treatment rendered by the top clinicians in their fields. Often patients will ask us what the letters behind our names (or our degrees) mean? Below is a list of the educational level of many of our providers. While we value training it does not replace treating patients with understanding and respect.


A health care professional who has earned a degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) after completing an approved course of study at an accredited medical school. A MD usually enters a hospital internship or residency program after completing medical school and must pass a state licensing examination before they are able to practice. Because psychiatrists are trained medical doctors, they can prescribe medications, and they spend much of their time with patients on medication management as a course of treatment.


Medical speciality certification in the United States is a voluntary process. While medical licensure sets the minimum competency requirements to diagnose and treat patients, it is not specialty specific. Board Certification demonstrates a physician’s expertise in a particular specialty of medical practice. Board Certification involves a rigorous process of testing and peer evaluation that is designed and administered by specialists in the specific are of medicine. Dr. Wiley is Board Certified by The American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology in Psychiatry.


A Psychologist focuses heavily on psychotherapy and treating emotional and mental suffering in patients with behavioral intervention. Psychologists are also qualified to conduct psychological testing, which is critical in assessing a person’s mental state and determining the most effective course of treatment.

Academic programs awarding the Psy. D Degree place a stronger emphasis on preparing graduates for professional practice as practitioner-scholars than on traditional research. In some states, but not in South Carolina, Psychologists are allowed to prescribe medication.

There are three requirements for an individual to be considered and to be able to practice as a psychologist and not just possess a degree in psychology:

Graduation from an accredited school with the appropriate degree

Completion of supervised/residency hours

Passing a written examination, an oral examination and jurisprudence board examination.

Besides her clinical work, Dr.Yadira Baez-Lockard also specializes in Forensic Psychology which involves evaluation and testimony in legal and/or criminal cases.


A Physicians Assistant or PA,is a health care professional who in the State of South Carolina can practice medicine under the supervision of a licensed physician. PA’s must have a Bachelor’s Degree, followed by a Master’s Degree in medical/physician practice learning models. Their duties vary by state, especially when it comes to prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.

A Psychiatric Physician Assistant receives additional training in mental health diagnosis, medication and treatment. Jason Flassing is a certified Psychiatric Physicians Assistant.


A Nurse Practitioner or NP, is a Registered Nurse who is trained to provide various health care services and in the State of South Carolina must practice under the supervision of a licensed physician. A NP must have a Bachelor’s Degree, followed by A Master’s Degree, in medical/nursing practice learning models. Their duties vary by state, especially when it come to prescribing controlled pharmaceuticals.

A Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner is an advanced nursing role requiring extensive education in development, physical and mental health assessment, the diagnosis or mental health conditions, integration and implementation of care, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, practice evaluation, consultation and liaison. Keith Plowden and Jennifer Burger are certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners.


A Licensed Independent Social Worker or LISW must obtain a Master or Doctorate of Social Work degree from a Council on Social Work Education accredited school. They must also have 3000 hours of clinical supervised practice and 100 hours of supervision and pass a licensing examination. Our practice has several LISW Social Workers who provide counseling and therapy.


A Licensed Professional Counselor or LPC must complete specific educational and examination requirements to become a LPC Intern. After completing a number of hours of supervised clinical practice they can be licensed as a LPC in the State of South Carolina. Our practice has several LPC’s who provide counseling and therapy.


If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Opiate Dependence, Personal/Family/Marital issues, we provide medication (including Suboxone), counseling and treatment for these conditions and more. Call today and get the help you need!